(1)             (2)

(1) Can Millet (s.XIV;1908). Can Xammar de Dalt - l'Ametlla del Vallès. s.XIV, reconstructed on 1908.

(2) "Casa de la Punxa" Villa Lola

(3) Cafe del Dr.Bassa a l'Ametlla del Vallès,  Manuel Raspall-1906.

(Source photos: Viquipèdia)                   (3)



"At the end of 19th century and beginning of the 20th, the area of Vallès Oriental has become a summer centre of Barcelona’s bourgeois, attracted by its proximity with the city and its landscape, and most of them by its therapeutic and thermal interest. In several towns of the “comarca” there are Catalan traditional farms (masies) with gardens that are witness of other times. One tour around this singular farms and its gardens brings us closer to another way of understanding art and life, that combines esthetical pleasure with nature and health research. At the same time, it allows an approximation to the work of Vallesan architect Manuel Joaquim Raspall (1877-1937), that worked as a public and private architect in towns like l’Ametlla, Cardedeu, La Garriga, and Granollers, that today gather the most interesting works of this architect."

Photo 4: Can Millet de Baix (Source: Consorci Turisme del Vallès Oriental)


For all the details about the guided tours, click here.


Altres recomenacions:

1) "Modernisme" in the summertime and the "Raspall style"  (Consorci de Turisme del Vallès Oriental)

2) Raspall Tour, Vallès Oriental

3) "Modernisme" further than Barcelona

(Ruta del Modernisme)

4) Can Millet de Baix

5) "Modernisme" in La Garriga

(Gaudí i el Modernisme a Catalunya)

6) Guide of "Masies" of l'Ametlla del Vallès (Ajuntament de l'Ametlla)